martes, abril 17, 2007

[CFP] ECIME 2007

ECIME 2007

The European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation

Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Montpellier, France

20-21 September 2007

The conference committee have received several requests for extensions to the abstract submission deadline and therefore extend the closing date to 26th April 2007

You can read the full Call for papers online.
(you may need to cut and paste the URL below)

If you have already submitted your abstract, you should hear this week whether your submission has been selected for submission as a full paper.

Please contact me if you need further details.

Kindest regards
Sue Nugus

Academic Conferences

Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148

Fax: +44 (0) 118 972 4691

[CFP] DSUG Roma 2007

DSpace User Group Meeting, Rome, Italy, October 18-19, 2007

The DSpace User Group Meeting 2007 will bring together the international
community of DSpace users and developers to share experiences, report
progress, and discuss possibilities for the DSpace platform and federation
adopters. The Conference scientific committee invites the submission of
papers and posters in all areas relevant to the use of Dspace (both
and administrative). We would encourage submissions from

* those who have mature installations, and can share their experience of
works both with the technology and with persuading content-owners to
* those with innovative applications of Dspace, perhaps for content other
than research outputs;
* those for whom their Dspace repositories are an important element in
digital object preservation.

Important deadlines:

1 June : Deadline for submission of abstracts
16 June : First draft of the program
1 July : Confirmation of accepted presentations and announcement of the
1 October : Deadline for submission of final presentation
20 September: Deadline for registration
18-19 October : DSpace User Group Meeting
20 October : Social programme

Author guidelines: Instructions for submission will be updated on the
conference website.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and the
electronic version of the contributions will also be available from the
conference website.

Imma Subirats
FAO of the United Nations
On behalf of the DSUG 2007 Scientific Commitee

lunes, abril 16, 2007

[CFP] CSLP@Context07

4th International Workshop on Constraints and Language Processing
20-21 August 2007, Roskilde, Denmark

Affiliated with CONTEXT07,

DEADLINE for submissions: May 24, 2007

The CSLP@Context07 workshop considers the role of constraints in
the representation of language and the implementation of language
processing. This theme should be interpreted inclusively:
contributions from linguistics, computer science, psycholinguistics
and related areas are welcome, and an interdisciplinary perspective
is of particular interest.

The collocation with the CONTEXT07 conference underlines the
application of constraints for context comprehension and discourse

Constraints are widely used in linguistics, computer science, and
psychology. How they are used, however, varies widely according to the
research domain: knowledge representation, cognitive modelling,
problem solving mechanisms, etc. These different perspectives are
complementary, each one adding a piece to the puzzle. For example,
linguistics proposes in-depth descriptions implementing constraints
in order to filter out structures by means of description languages,
constraint ranking, etc. The constraint programming paradigm, on the
other hand, shows that constraints have to be taken as a systematic
whole and can thus play a role in building the structures (or can even
replace structures). Finally, psycholinguistics investigates the role
of constraint systems for cognitive processes in comprehension and
production as well as addressing how they can be acquired.

Invited speakers:
2 or 3 distinguished researchers will be announced on the workshop
web pages.

The workshop seeks contributions from different areas working with
constraints in relation to language including, but not limited to the

. Constraints in human language comprehension and production
. Context modelling and discourse interpretation
. Acquisition of constraints
. Constraints and learning
. Cross-theoretical view of the notion of constraint
. New advances in constraint-based linguistic theories
. Constraint satisfaction (CS) technologies for NLP
. Linguistic analysis and linguistic theories biased towards CS or
constraint logic programming (CLP)
. Application of CS or CLP for NLP
. CS and CLP for other than textual or spoken languages, e.g.,
sign languages and biological, multimodal human-computer
interaction, visual languages,
. Probabilistic constraint-based reasoning

Authors are invited to submit extended abstract or a full paper of up
to 12 pages. Papers should be prepared as PDF files using the format
for Springer's LNCS/LNAI series,

Each submission will be commented by two or three reviewers.

Preliminary proceedings are distributed at the workshop and,
depending on number and quality of submissions, a volume of revised
and selected papers are under considerations at an international

Please submit papers as PDF files, following the guidelines to appear

Important dates
Submission deadline May 24, 2007
Notification June 14, 2007
Final version July 5, 2007
Workshop 20 and-or 21 August 2007

Registration is done through the CONTEXT conference website, and
the fee covers the conference and all workshops.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and present
the paper at the workshop.

Program Committee

Philippe Blache (Provence University, France)
Henning Christiansen (Roskilde University, Denmark), co-chair
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Denys Duchier (INRIA, France)
John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Claire Gardent (University of Nancy, France)
Barbara Hemforth (Provence University, France)
Jerry Hobbs (University of Southern California, USA)
M. Dolores Jiménez-López (Tarragona, Spain)
Michael Johnston (AT&T, USA)
Lars Konieczny (Freiburg university, Germany)
Shalom Lappin (King's College, UK)
Detmar Meurers (Ohio State University, USA)
Véronique Moriceau (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
Gerald Penn (University of Toronto, Canada)
Kiril Simov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria)
Jørgen Villadsen (Technical University of Denmark), co-chair
Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie (INRIA, France)

Organizing committee
Philippe Blache (Provence University, France)
Henning Christiansen (Roskilde University, Denmark), co-chair
Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Jørgen Villadsen (Technical University of Denmark), co-chair

For any questions related to the workshop, do not hesitate to
write to workshop co-chair Henning Christiansen,

More information at

sábado, abril 14, 2007

[CFP] Web2ForDev International Conference, Rome, Italy, 25-27 September 2007

Web2ForDev International Conference on "Participatory Web for
Development: Networking, collaborating and exchanging knowledge in
agriculture, rural development and natural resource management"

Rome, Italy, 25-27 September 2007


Web2ForDev 2007 is the first conference devoted to exploring
the ways in which international development stakeholders can take advantage
of the technical and organizational opportunities provided by Web 2.0
methods, approaches and applications. The conference will promote the
adoption and dissemination of appropriate, low-cost and replicable
Internet-based applications by actors in agriculture, rural development, and
natural resource management. It aims to inspire participants to use and
develop their own information management and communication systems based on
these applications. The conference targets agriculture, rural development,
and natural resource management stakeholders, particularly those from
developing countries, experienced with or interested in the potential of Web
2.0, including technology intermediaries, policy makers, information and
communication specialists, software developers, application and system
providers and information service providers. Participants are expected to
have experience and understanding of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) and to be in a position to understand, adopt and
disseminate the showcased applications and approaches.

In particular we encourage proposals that are:
* Thematic case studies: 15/20-minute presentations on
examples of projects and processes that are adopting Web 2.0 tools and
methodologies, and that evaluate their impacts, benefits and challenges;

* Thematic showcases: 15/20-minute presentations on Web 2.0
tools and methodologies developed for knowledge exchange, collaboration,
learning and networking;

* Panel discussions: 30-minute exchanges that provide an
overview of one or more crosscutting issue (see the list below); these will
be debated by a group of panellists and facilitated by a chairperson.

The sessions should offer practical examples of Web 2.0
concepts and applications in knowledge exchange, collaboration, learning and
networking in the sectors of agriculture, rural development, and natural
resource management. Experiences and case studies from sectors other than
development (e.g. education, private sector) that show potential for adoption
can be presented. The focus is on innovation in common practices,
opportunities, needs, and issues that participants may address more
effectively with the adoption of Web 2.0 tools, methodologies and approaches.

The theme of the Conference is "Participatory Web for
Development: Networking, collaborating and exchanging knowledge in
agriculture, rural development and natural resources management".

There are three conference tracks dealing with the following
main topics:
* Shared virtual spaces, remote collaboration, and knowledge
* Appropriate technologies for on-line publishing
* On-line information retrieval and access

Cross-cutting issues speakers may want to address in their
presentations, and particularly in panel discussions, are:
* Institutional capacity (IT infrastructure, human resources)
* Management
* Low-bandwidth access
* Intellectual property issues
* Disabling and enabling environments (infrastructural,
connectivity, legal, cultural, human)
* Direct and indirect cost
* Security
* Visibility and promotion

**** DEADLINES ****
Submission of proposals: 30 April 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2007
Submission of draft presentations, scripts and materials: 15
June 2007 Submission of final scripts: 31 July 2007 Submission of final
presentations (slideshow, multimedia or other): 31 August 2007

* Fill out the proposal form for a case study or a showcase.

* Alternatively, fill out the proposal form for a panel
discussion. []

* Submit your proposal by email to proposals@...
by 30 April 2007.
* Acceptance will be notified by 15 May 2007.
The content of the proposals will be treated with the utmost
confidentiality by the Steering Committee members and peer review panel.

In case of acceptance, please note:
* All work presented at the Conference (e.g. slideshows,
handouts, flyers, brochures, pdf and MS Word documents, animation and videos)
constitutes the original work of the author/presenter, and he/she is the
owner of the copyright.

* All presenters and authors will retain non-exclusive
intellectual property rights in their work.
* Presenters and authors agree to their Conference materials
being disseminated freely on the Conference Web site and by other means
during and after the Conference. A statement will be published prohibiting
the use of any of the presentations for commercial purposes. Any part or
whole of the works used for non-commercial purposes must carry due

Accepted presenters or panellists from developing countries
may apply for sponsorship to attend the Conference. Sponsorships will be
granted at the discretion of the sponsoring agencies and will be subject to
availability of funds.

To get updates on the event you may join one of the following
* English:
* Français:
For more information on the event you may visit our
conference web site at

[CFP] Final Reminder: EC-TEL'07, 17-20 September 2007

Final Reminder: EC-TEL'07 Call for Papers

Only three days left for Papers, Short Papers/Posters, and Workshop

The chairhelper submission system is open at

EC-TEL'07 - Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
Creating new learning experiences on a global scale

17-20 September 2007, Crete, Greece -

Supported by the Professional Learning Cluster (PRO-LC)

With the advance of metadata standards, learning objects, Web 2.0
approaches to rip, mix & burn learning, wikis, blogs, syndication, user
generated content, interactive TV, games and the ubiquitous availability
of computing devices we can and have to offer more flexible learning
services on a global scale. As one of the new objectives of the 7th
Framework Program of the European Commission puts it: we need
"Responsive environments for technology-enhanced learning that motivate,
engage and inspire learners, and which are embedded in the business
processes and human resources management systems of organizations". An
important challenge is to bridge between informal learning strategies of
the knowledge society and formal competence development programmes of

After the success of EC-TEL 2006, the Second European Conference on
Technology Enhanced Learning provides a unique forum for all research
related to technology-enhanced learning, including its interactions with
knowledge management, business processes and work environments. This is
a competitive and broad forum for technology enhanced learning research
in Europe and world-wide through specialized workshops and the main

EC-TEL 2007 provides unique networking possibilities for participating
researchers throughout the week and includes project meetings and
discussions for ongoing and new research activities supported by the
European Commission.

We welcome submissions describing innovative research on all relevant
issues in computer science, learning, and the organizational context, as
well as experience reports and case studies describing innovative
applications of new learning environments and approaches.

Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to:

Deploying Technology Enhanced Learning

* Ubiquitous Technology Enhanced Learning
* Services for Technology Enhanced Learning
* Games and Interactive TV as Educational Tools
* Learning Communities and Distributed Teams
* Online Experiments
* Web 2.0 and Social Software for Technology Enhanced Learning

Learner Modeling and Personalisation

* Personal Learning Environments
* Learner Assessment and Testing
* Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Instructions
* Competencies in Workplace Learning
* Adaptation Patterns and Techniques

Metadata for TEL

* Re-Using, Re-Authoring and Re-Purposing (Rip, Mix and Burn)
* Learning Objects and Learning Repositories
* Learning Design, Narrative and Navigation Models
* Metadata in Search, Retrieval and Harvesting

Technology Enhanced Support for Organizational Learning

* Knowledge Management, Sharing and Learning
* Business Processes and Learning
* Sustainability and Business Models
* Deployment Strategies

Scalable Technology Enhanced Learning

* Authoring of Multimedia/ Virtual Reality Content
* Artificial Intelligence technologies for Technology Enhanced Learning
* Network Infrastructures (Streaming, Peer-to-Peer Infrastructures)
* Runtime Engines for Learning Design and Learning Objects
* Semantic Web technologies

Theoretical and methodological foundations of TEL

* Formal / Informal Learning
* Instructional Methods for Collaborative Learning
* Problem Solving Support
* Collaborative Knowledge Building and Sharing

Experience Reports, Assessment, and Case Studies

All submissions will be reviewed for relevance, originality,
significance, soundness and clarity by three reviewers. The proceedings
will be published in Springer LNCS
( For camera-ready format
instructions, please see "For Authors" instructions at The page limit is 15
pages for full papers, 6 pages for posters. Selected papers will be
considered for special issues of relevant journals. Workshop
descriptions will be published in the conference proceedings.

Dates for submission, notification and camera-ready copies

* Paper Deadline: April 15, 2007 (extended)
* Poster, Short papers, April 15, 2007 (extended)
* Deadline for Workshops: April 15, 2007
* Notification of acceptance of workshops: May 1, 2007
* Author Notification: May 7, 2007
* Camera-ready copy: June 1, 2007
* Workshops: September 17-18, 2007
* Conference: September 19-20, 2007
* Co-located Events: 21-22 September 2007

jueves, abril 12, 2007

[CFP] 2ª Jornadas sobre Gestión de Documentos Digitales

Asociación Española
de Documentación Digital

Madrid, 12 de abril de 2007

Asunto: Ponencias en DOCU-SIMO 2007
(SIMO Profesional – del 4 al 9 de noviembre)

La Asociación Española de Documentación Digital organiza

2ª Jornadas sobre Gestión de Documentos Digitales – la e-factura

en el marco de SIMO 2007, durante los días dedicados a los visitantes profesionales.

Estas Jornadas tendrán lugar en un espacio especialmente habilitado en la zona de exposición comercial dedicada a la Documentación Digital, permitiendo una óptima relación entre los asistentes y las empresas expositoras, durante todos los días dedicados a visitantes profesionales ( 6 – 9 nov.)

Propuesta de ponencias (1):
El tiempo de desarrollo máximo estimado es de 30 minutos, en horario de mañana y tarde.
Estas propuestas de ponencia deben incluir :
 el titulo de la ponencia
 breve resumen de 10 líneas
 el nombre del autor y el de la persona que va a desarrollar el tema.
 datos fiscales de la empresa , e-mail y teléfono de contacto

Las propuestas deben dirigirse, antes del día 30 de abril a
David Maldonado
e –mail :
Velázquez, 53 2º
28001 MADRID
Telf 91 1310600

Esperamos contar con sus aportaciones técnico-comerciales

Albert Blanch

(1) Los expositores comerciales tienen prioridad en la adjudicación del horario de intervenciones.

[CFP] Workshop on Social construction and implications of research

CfP: Workshop on Social construction and implications of research

3rd International Conference on Communities and Technologies
June 28-30, 2007

Organizers: Peter van den Besselaar, Netherlands Center for Science
Sys-tem Assessment & University of Amsterdam and Rob Procter, National
Centre for e-Social Science, UK

Increasingly, advanced research infrastructures are becoming important
in many research fields. This is the case in the social sciences and
humanities as well as in the sciences. These developments are called
e-Science and e-Social Science in Europe, and cyber science in the USA.

In this workshop we focus on the social, organizational, political,
legal (IPR, privacy) and epistemological issues relating to these new
research in-frastructures for data sharing and knowledge creation, and
on the implica-tions for ICT based knowledge sharing infrastructure
development and de-ployment policies.

The workshop will bring together researchers who study research
infra-structures from a socio-technical point of view. The main aim is
to share approaches and results of studies of the development and
effects of re-search infrastructures. A second aim is to discuss the
science and research policy implications.

Participation will be conditional on submission of either a short paper
(up to 10 pages) reporting research done in the field, or a position
paper (up to 3 pages) about policy, theoretical and methodological

Submissions should be emailed to or

Submission deadline: April 30th, 2007
Notification of acceptance: May 14th, 2007

Prof. dr Peter van den Besselaar

Head of department
Science System Assessment
Rathenau Institituut
P.O. Box 95366
2509 CJ Den Haag
+31(0)70 342 1542
Amsterdam School of Communications Research ASCoR
Universiteit van Amsterdam

[CFP] 6ta Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2007

Lo invitamos a proponer un artículo/resumen para la 6ta Conferencia
Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2007

( que se realizará en Orlando, Florida,
EE.UU., del 12 al 15 de julio de 2007.

Estamos enfatizando el área de Informática de soporte de Gestión y Gestión
de la Informática el cual, pensamos se relaciona con su área académica o
profesional específica.

Todos los artículos propuestos pasarán por un proceso extenso de revisión.
Se aplicará una revisión multi metodológica durante el proceso de selección
de esta conferencia multidisciplinaria. Los artículos propuestos o los
resúmenes extendidos pasarán por tres tipos de revisión: doblemente ciega
(por parte de por lo menos tres revisores), no ciega o abierta, y la
revisión participativa entre pares. Estas tres revisiones apoyarán el
proceso de selección de los que serán aceptados para su presentación en la
conferencia, así como también los que van a ser seleccionados para
publicarse en la Revista Iberoamericana de Sistemas, Cibernética e
Informática (RISCI) y los detalles podrá encontrarlos en el web site de la

El 10-20% de los mejores artículos presentados serán publicados en el
volumen 3 de RISCI ( y se enviarán
gratis a más de 200 bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación.

Además, quisiéramos invitarlo a organizar una sesión invitada relacionada
con un tópico de su interés en investigación. Si le interesa organizar una
sesión invitada, por favor llene la planilla correspondiente que aparece en
el web site de la conferencia y le enviaremos una contraseña para que así
pueda incluir y/o modificar artículos de su sesión invitada.

Puede encontrar más detalles sobre el proceso de revisión, organizar
sesiones invitadas y fechas límites para las sumisiones en el web site de la

Si las fechas límites no le son suficientes y necesita más tiempo, avísenos
de una fecha conveniente para usted y le informaré si es posible para

De nuevo, lo invitamos a participar en la 6ta Conferencia Iberoamericana en
Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2007.


Profesor Jorge Baralt
Presidente CISCI 2007

Dirección: Torre Profesional La California, Av. Francisco de Miranda,
Caracas, Venezuela.

miércoles, abril 11, 2007

[CFP] First International Workshop on Digital Libraries Foundations


First International Workshop on "Digital Libraries Foundations"
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 23, 2007

In conjunction with ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
(JCDL 2007)

Web Page:

Workshop Objectives

Research on "digital libraries" addresses many different areas. The
lack of any
agreement on the foundations for this broad research field has led to
a plethora
of models, systems, and results that are difficult to combine and
reuse to
produce enhanced outcomes. This workshop will bring together researchers
involved in laying the foundations for the digital library research
field. In
particular, it will make it possible for them to discuss and explore
solutions in the context of a Reference Model for Digital Libraries.

This workshop will help in laying the foundations for digital
libraries as a
whole. It will engage the international digital library community in
producing a
reference framework wherein new results can be integrated, compared, and
discussed - leveraging prior work on the definition of a Reference
Model for
Digital Libraries launched by the EU DELOS Network of Excellence on
Libraries ( That effort began
in Europe,
but has expanded with the invitation of international collaborators.
workshop will be the first open meeting to broaden the effort even
further. Our
aim is to draw upon the understanding acquired by a number of
research groups
active in the digital library field. This workshop intends to extend the
participation in this activity to all researchers interested in the
of digital library aspects, in order to contribute to the
understanding of key
concepts in this field. It will take a full day, on 23 June 2007, and
include not only short paper presentations, but also other modes of
communication, such as invited presentations, breakout groups, panels,
discussant commentaries, and posters.


The workshop focuses on the modeling of three of the main aspects
the Digital Library universe: Content, Architecture, and Quality. For
each of
these aspects the workshop participants will be asked to outline the
and unique modeling and research challenges, and to identify some of
the most
promising candidate solutions to address those challenges.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- (Semi-)Formal Models for Digital Libraries
- Theoretical Foundations of Digital Libraries
- Information Object Models
- Metadata Models
- Resource Models
- Reference Architectures for Digital Library Systems
- Digital Library and Digital Library System Quality Models
- Cross-cutting issues, such as Policies or Users/Librarians/
Communities/Social Networks

Paper Submission and Publication

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers.
manuscripts will be limited to 6 two-column pages, following ACM format
guidelines and using the ACM template (
Preferred formats are PDF or Microsoft Word. Papers should be
submitted electronically
via email to Papers submitted to the workshop will
undergo a
peer-review process. Accepted papers will be published in the DELOS
proceedings that also will be made available in the DELOS digital
library. At
least one author is required to attend the conference and present the
Depending upon the quantity and quality of the submissions, efforts
to coordinate
follow-on publications may be made, involving extended versions of
some of the
accepted papers.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: April 21, 2007
Acceptance notification: May 19, 2007
Camera ready: June 9, 2007
Workshop: June 23, 2007

Program Committee
Maristella Agosti, Univ. of Padua, Italy
Stavros Christodoulakis, Tech. Univ. of Crete, Greece
Geneva Henry, Rice Univ., USA
Carlo Meghini, ISTI-CNR, Italy
Heiko Schuldt, Univ. of Basel, Germany
Dagobert Soergel, Univ. of Maryland, USA


Donatella Castelli
ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy

Edward Fox
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA

For any inquiries, please email the organisers via

[CFP] CONTEXT'07 workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning (C&O:RR-2007)


The Third International Workshop on
Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning


August 21, 2007, CONTEXT Workshop Program, Roskilde University, Denmark.

The goal of this workshop is to bring people from the context and
ontology communities together to discuss the approaches they use for
information integration from the knowledge representation and reasoning
perspective. Therefore, the workshop will push the cross-fertilization
and exchange of ideas (e.g., which of the methods from the context
community can be successfully adopted in the ontology community, and
vice versa), and, hence, make their meeting mutually beneficial.

TOPICS of interest include, but are not limited to:
Information interoperability and reuse via multiple contexts and ontologies.
Coordination of multiple contexts and ontologies.
Modular ontologies.
Logical formalisms for contexts and ontologies.
Distributed reasoning algorithms for contexts and ontologies.
Complexity of distributed reasoning for contexts and ontologies.
Comparison of uses of contexts and ontologies.
Applications of reasoning with contexts and ontologies in the areas of
semantic web, information retrieval, e-commerce, telecommunications,
multimedia, content indexing, grid and peer-to-peer, pervasive computing
and ambient intelligence.

1. Frank Wolter
University of Liverpool, UK

2. David Robertson
University of Edinburgh, UK

The schedule assumes a one day workshop. The workshop will consist of the
following components: keynote presentations, technical presentations,
posters, and general discussion.

Contributions to the workshop can be made in terms of technical papers or
statements of interest. Formatting and submission instructions will be
published shortly on the workshop web-site,

Contributions will be refereed by the Program Committee.
Accepted papers and statements of interest will be published in the
workshop proceedings as a volume of CEUR WS

May 28, 2007: Deadline for the submissions.
June 25, 2007: Notification of acceptance/rejection.
July 9, 2007: Deadline for the receipt of camera-ready papers.
August 21, 2007: C&O:RR-2007, Roskilde University, Denmark.


1.Paolo Bouquet
University of Trento, Italy

2.Jerome Euzenat
INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

3.Chiara Ghidini
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (ITC-IRST), Italy

4.Deborah L. McGuinness
Stanford University, USA

5.Valeria de Paiva
Palo Alto Research Center, USA

6.Luciano Serafini
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (ITC-IRST), Italy

7.Pavel Shvaiko
University of Trento, Italy

8.Holger Wache
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland

Horacio Arlo-Costa, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Alex Borgida, Rutgers University, USA
Fausto Giunchiglia, University of Trento, Italy
Vasant Honavar, Iowa State University, USA
Yannis Kalfoglou, University of Southampton, UK
David Leake, Indiana University, USA
Maurizio Marchese, University of Trento, Italy
Leo Obrst, MITRE, USA
Fano Ramparany, France Telecom R&D, France
Chantal Reynaud, Université Paris-Sud, France
David Robertson, University of Edinburgh, UK
Riccardo Rosati, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
Thomas Roth-Berghofer, DFKI, Germany
Aviv Segev, Technion, Israel
Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim, Germany
York Sure, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Andrei Tamilin, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (ITC-IRST), Italy
Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bolzano/Bozen, Italy
Rich Thomason, University of Michigan, USA
Roy Turner, University of Maine, USA
Ludger van Elst, DFKI, Germany
Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK

Thanks for your time and cooperation!
Pavel Shvaiko
PostDoc, University of Trento
Dept. of Information and Communication Technology
Sommarive 14, POVO, 38050, TRENTO, ITALY
Tel: +39 0461 883386; Fax: +39 0461 882093

Convocatoria de becas IV Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

Convocatoria de 70 becas FECYT-CSIC para la asistencia y participación en el IV Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia

“Cultura científica y cultura democrática”

Madrid, 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre de 2007

La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) en el marco del Año de la Ciencia convocan 70 becas para fomentar la participación y asistencia de jóvenes menores de 35 años vinculados a universidades, instituciones o centros de investigación españoles e iberoamericanos en el IV Congreso sobre Comunicación Social de la Ciencia ‘Cultura científica y cultura democrática’ (CSCiencia 2007).

CSCiencia2007, que se celebrará en Madrid del 21 al 23 de noviembre de 2007, incide en la cultura científica como componente indispensable en la formación de ciudadanos de una sociedad científica y tecnológicamente desarrollada, y en la responsabilidad de los gobiernos e instituciones para conseguir este objetivo. También pretende ser un foro de reflexión y debate acerca de los nuevos métodos e instrumentos para promover el acceso a los ciudadanos al conocimiento científico y a las aplicaciones tecnológicas, así como para implicar al investigador en la divulgación de su actividad.

El Congreso contará con la participación de destacados actores del ámbito de la investigación, la política, la educación, la comunicación y divulgación científica a nivel nacional e internacional.

Tipos de becas y dotación:

a)50 becas de cuota de inscripción.
b)10 becas de cuota de inscripción + bolsa de viaje de 200€ para residentes en España.
c)10 becas de cuota de inscripción + bolsa de viaje de 800€ para residentes en Iberoamérica.

Las bolsas de viaje están destinadas a ayudar económicamente al pago de los gastos ocasionadas con motivo de la asistencia al Congreso.

Bases de la convocatoria de becas y Formulario de solicitud disponibles en:

Periodo de presentación de solicitudes: del 9 de abril de 2007 hasta el 17 de mayo de 2007 (ambos inclusive).

Más información

lunes, abril 09, 2007

[CFP] 1st IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing, Sep 17-19, 2007; Irvine, CA, USA

Call for Papers
First IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing

September 17-19, 2007

Irvine, California, USA

Sponsored by

IEEE Computer Society

in cooperation with

University of California at Irvine

The field Semantic Computing applies technologies in natural language processing, data and knowledge engineering,

software engineering, computer systems and networks, signal processing and pattern recognition, and any

combination of the above to extract, access, transform and synthesize the semantics (contents) of multimedia,

texts, services and structured data.

The IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2007) is an international forum for researchers

to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of semantic computing,

as well as to identify the emerging research topics and define the future of semantic computing. The technical

program of ICSC2007 will consist of invited talks, paper presentations, and panel discussions.

Submissions of high quality papers describing mature results or on-going work are invited. Topics for submission

include but are not limited to:

* Natural language understanding and processing

* Understanding and processing of texts and multimedia contents

* Content-based retrieval of texts, images, videos and audios

* Speech recognition

* Semantic web search

* Semantic web services

* Semantic annotation of multimedia contents

* Natural language driven computing

* Multimedia driven computing

* Question answering

* Spoken dialogue and multi-modal systems

* Data, knowledge and software engineering issues

* Integration of semantic systems

* Semantic computing and wireless communications

* Content-based security

* Semantic Computing in the areas of Identity and Privacy Management

* Semantic infrastructure

* Context-aware architecture for networks of sensors, devices, applications and resources

* Semantic social networks

* Sensor intelligent computing/networks

* Ubiquitous and trustworthy computing

* Semantic communication

* Applications of semantic computing

* Hardware support for semantic computing


The written and spoken language of ICSC2007 is English. Authors should submit an 8-page technical paper manuscript

in double-column IEEE format including authors' names and affiliations, and a short abstract electronically, following

the submission guidelines available on the ICSC2007 web page. Only electronic submission will be accepted. All papers

should be in Adobe portable document format (PDF). The paper should have a cover page, which includes a 200-word

abstract, a list of keywords, and author's phone number and e-mail address. The Conference Proceedings will be

published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and all papers are EI indexed. A number of the papers presented at

the conference will be selected for possible publications in journals.

ICSC2007 will also include a few workshops and special sessions dedicated to focused interest areas. Submissions

of proposals on workshops and special sessions of emerging areas are invited. Full length papers from Workshops

and Special Sessions will be presented at ICSC2007, and included in the Proceedings. Please visit the conference

website for detailed guidelines on submitting workshop and special session proposals.

Submissions of proposals on panels are also encouraged. Short panel summary articles may also be included in the

conference proceedings. Guidelines for submitting panel proposals are available on the conference website.

There will be a Best Paper Award and a Best Student Paper Award for the best submitted paper and the best

submitted student paper. The award winners will be announced at the conference banquet.


05/01/2007 Submission of workshop, panel and special session proposals

05/01/2007 Submission of papers

06/01/2007 Notification of acceptance of proposals and papers

07/15/2007 Camera-Ready copy of accepted papers

Conference Location


17900 Jamboree Boulevard

Irvine, CA 92614

D/L: 949-225-6662

Fax: 949-225-6769


[CFP] 7th International Web Archiving Workshop

Call for papers for the 7th International Web Archiving Workshop


Main international event in this domain since 2001, IWAW will take
place the 23rd of June in Vancouver, Canada in conjunction with the
ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries this year.
The workshop will provide a cross domain overview on active research
and practice in all domains concerned with the acquisition,
maintenance and preservation of digital objects for long-term access,
with a particular focus on web archiving and studies on effective
usage of this type of archives.

Important Dates:

Paper submission: May 1st, 2007
Notification of acceptance: May 15th, 2007
Camera-ready copy due: June 11th, 2007


Case studies:
• Web Archiving Projects,
• Digital Archeology,
• Cyberculture Studies,
• Web Metrics,
• Web Publishing Models.

Data acquisition:
• Harvesting Technology, Focused Crawling,
• Deep Web Capture,
• Site Architecture Migration,
• Authenticity Control of Captured Documents.
• Acquisition of Dynamic Objects,
• Submission Systems,
• Data Ingest,
• Automated Metadata Capture.

Storage Models and Architecture:
• Hierarchical Storage Models,
• Redundant Storage,
• Distributed Storage,
• Storage Media Migration,
• Cost Models,
• Media Life-Time Analysis.

Digital Preservation:
• Conversion/Migration Strategies,
• Emulation Approaches,
• Data Abstraction Technologies,
• Self-Aware Objects,
• Testbeds, File Format Repositories,
• Document Functionality and Behaviour.

• Access Provision,
• Navigation,
• Web Indexing
• Collection Analysis,
• Information Retrieval,
• Interface Models.

Policy and Social Issues:
• Economics of Information,
• Intellectual Property Rights.
• Challenges and Caveats of Web Archives,
• Scenarios and Visions,
• Privacy Aspects

Workshop Officials:

Julien Masanès (European Archive / e-mail : julien AT
Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

Program Committee (provisional):

Martha Anderson (Library of Congress, USA)
Andreas Aschenbrenner (SUB Goettingen, Germany)
Dieter Merkl (Vienna University of Technology)
Mark Middleton (Hanzo Archives, UK)
Philippe Rigaux (Orsay Paris-Sud University, France)
Steven M. Schneider (SUNY Institute of Technology, USA)
Gerhard Weikum (Max Planck Institut für Informatik, Germany)

[CFP] CHArt 2007 Conference


Thursday 8 - Friday 9 November 2007
London Venue to be confirmed

Museums, galleries, archives, libraries and media organisations such as
publishers and film and broadcast companies, have traditionally mediated
and controlled access to cultural resources and knowledge. What is the
future of such ‘top-down’ institutions in the age of ‘bottom-up’ access
to knowledge and cultural artifacts through what is generally known as
Web 2:0 - encompassing YouTube, Bittorrent, Napster, Wikipedia, Google,
MySpace and more. Will such institutions respond to this threat to their
cultural hegemony by resistance or adaptation? How can a museum or a
gallery or, for that matter, a broadcasting company, appeal to an
audience which has unprecedented access to cultural resources? How can
institutions predicated on a cultural economy of scarcity compete in an
emerging state of cultural abundance?

For the twenty-second CHArt conference we are looking for papers that
reflect upon these issues, particularly in relation to visual culture.
We particularly welcome contributions from those working in either
‘traditional’ cultural organisations or those involved in new forms of
cultural access and distribution.

Please email submissions (a three hundred word synopsis of the proposed
paper with CV of presenter/s and other key figures) by 31 May 2007 to
Hazel Gardiner (

Dr Charlie Gere
Chair, CHArt
c/o Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Kings College, University of London
Kay House
7 Arundel Street

Marlene Gordon
Visual Resources and Music Curator
University of Michigan-Dearborn
313-593-1902 (fax)
VRA-IPR Committee, Chair
VRA Newsletter, Editor

[CFP] DEXA-Workshop on Text-Based Information Retrieval, TIR-07; Regensburg, Germany, Sep 3-7, 2007

"4th International Workshop on Text-Based Information Retrieval" (TIR-07)

A Workshop in conjunction with the
18th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems
Applications, DEXA 2007,
Regensburg, Germany, September 3rd to 7th


Intelligent technologies for information mining and retrieval have
become an important and exciting field of research in our
information-flooded society. Methods of text-based information
retrieval receive special attention, which results from the
fundamental role of written text, from the high availability of the
Internet, and from the rising importance of the different forms of Web

Various techniques and methods are being used for text-based
information retrieval tasks, which stem from different research areas:
machine learning, computer linguistics and psychology, user
interaction and modeling, information visualization, Web engineering,
or distributed systems. The development of powerful retrieval tools
requires the combination of these developments, and in this sense the
workshop shall provide a platform that spans different views and

The following list gives examples from classic and ongoing topics from
the field of text-based information retrieval for which contributions
are welcome (but not restricted to):

- formal models for text representation, document models, similarity
measures for special retrieval tasks
- category formation and clustering, document classification
- IR and natural language processing: topic identification, text
summarization, keyword extraction
- Web community mining, social network analysis, collaborative tagging
and IR
- plagiarism analysis, author identification, style analysis
- concepts and techniques for information visualization, user modeling,
and interaction for particular retrieval tasks
- relevance feedback and personalization
- evaluation, building of test collections, experimental design and
user studies
- multilingual issues in IR: cross-language retrieval, multilingual
retrieval, machine translation for IR
- IR for the Semantic Web: usage, extraction, and maintenance of knowledge
- IR and software engineering: frameworks, architectures, distributed IR
- IR in business and engineering applications

The workshop addresses researchers, users, and practitioners from
different fields: data mining and machine learning, document and
knowledge management, semantic technologies, computer linguistics, and
information retrieval in general. In particular, we encourage
potential participants to present research prototypes and tools of
their ideas.


Deadline for paper submission April 12, 2007
Notification to authors April 28, 2007
Camera-ready copy due May 31, 2007
Workshop opens September 3, 2007

Contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least two experts from the
related field. Accepted papers will be published as IEEE proceedings
by IEEE CS Press.


Benno Stein, Bauhaus University Weimar
Harald Sack, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Information about the workshop can be found at

domingo, abril 08, 2007

Los que queman los libros

En Los logócratas (Fondo de Cultura Económica), George Steiner ha reunido una serie de ensayos sobre filósofos como Martin Heidegger y Walter Benjamin, y un relato de ficción. A modo de anticipo, el diario argentino La nación de hoy (8 de abril) ofrece una conferencia que el pensador pronunció en la Feria del Libro de Turín

Los que queman los libros, los que expulsan y matan a los poetas, saben exactamente lo que hacen. El poder indeterminado de los libros es incalculable. Es indeterminado precisamente porque el mismo libro, la misma página, puede tener efectos totalmente dispares sobre sus lectores. Puede exaltar o envilecer; seducir o asquear; apelar a la virtud o a la barbarie; magnificar la sensibilidad o banalizarla. De una manera que no puede ser más desconcertante, puede hacer las dos cosas, casi en el mismo momento, en un impulso de respuesta tan complejo, tan rápido en su alternancia y tan híbrido que ninguna hermenéutica, ninguna psicología pueden predecir ni calcular su fuerza. En diferentes momentos de la vida del lector, un libro suscitará reflejos completamente diferentes. En la experiencia humana no hay fenomenología más compleja que la de los encuentros entre texto y percepción, o, como observa Dante, entre las formas del lenguaje que sobrepasan nuestro entendimiento y los órdenes de comprensión con respecto a las cuales nuestro lenguaje es insuficiente: la debilitade de lo nteletto e la cortezza del nostro parlare .

Pero en este diálogo siempre imperfecto -los únicos que pueden ser plenamente comprendidos son los libros efímeros y oportunistas; son los únicos cuyo significado potencial se puede agotar- puede haber una apelación a la violencia, a la intolerancia, a la agresión social y política. Céline es el único de nosotros que permanecerá, decía Sartre. Existe una pornografía de lo teórico, incluso de lo analítico, lo mismo que existe una pornografía de la sugestión sexual. Las citas de libros supuestamente "revelados" -el libro de Josué, la epístola de Pablo a los Romanos, el Corán, Mein Kampf , el Pequeño Libro Rojo de Mao- son el preludio de la matanza, su justificación. La tolerancia y el compromiso suponen un contexto inmenso. El odio, la irracionalidad, la libido del poder leen deprisa. El contexto se evapora en la violencia del asentimiento. De ahí el dilema profundamente enojoso y problemático de la censura. Es sucumbir a la hipocresía liberal dudar que determinados textos, libros o periódicos puedan inflamar la sexualidad; que puedan llevar directamente a la mimesis, a la imitatio , hasta el punto de dar a unas vagas pulsiones masturbatorias una concreción terrible y una urgente necesidad de ser saciadas. ¿Cómo pueden justificar los libertarios el torrente de erotica sádicos que inunda hoy nuestras librerías, nuestros quioscos y la red? ¿Cómo defender a esta literatura programática del maltrato a los niños, del odio racial y de la criminalidad ciega con que se nos machacan los oídos, los ojos y la conciencia? Los mundos del ciberespacio y de la realidad virtual se saturarán de programas gráficos y revestidos de una pseudoautoridad, de las sugestiones de ejemplos validadores de la bestialidad hacia otros seres humanos, hacia nosotros mismos (la recepción, el disfrute del trash , de la basura, es automutilación del espíritu). ¿Está equivocado totalmente el ideal platónico de la censura?

Por el contrario, los libros son nuestra contraseña para llegar a ser lo que somos. Su capacidad para provocar esta trascendencia ha suscitado discusiones, alegorizaciones y reconstrucciones sin fin. Las implicaciones metafóricas del icono hebreo-helenístico del "Libro de la vida", del "Libro de la Revelación", de la identificación de la divinidad con el Logos , son milenarias y no tienen límites. Desde Súmer, los libros han sido los mensajeros y las crónicas del encuentro del hombre con Dios. Mucho antes de Catulo ya eran los correos del amor. Por encima de todo, con algunas obras de arte, han encarnado la ficción suprema de una posible victoria sobre la muerte. El autor debe morir, pero sus obras le sobrevivirán, más sólidas que el bronce, más duraderas que el mármol: exegi monumentum aere perennius [he hecho un monumento más perenne que el bronce]. La polis que celebra Píndaro perecerá; la lengua en la que la celebra puede morir y tornarse indescifrable. Pero a través del rollo de papel, a través del elixir de la traducción, la oda pindárica sobrevivirá, seguirá cantando desde los labios desgarrados de Orfeo mientras la cabeza muerta del poeta baja por el río hasta el país del recuerdo. Una concha puede inmortalizar. Al traducir a Villon, Thomas Nashe había escrito: a brightness falls from her hair [un resplandor sale de su cabello]; el impresor isabelino se equivocó y escribió: a brightness falls from the air [un resplandor sale del aire], ¡que se ha convertido en uno de los versos talismánicos de toda la poesía en lengua inglesa!

El encuentro con el libro, como con el hombre o la mujer, que va a cambiar nuestra vida, a menudo en un instante de reconocimiento del que no tenemos conciencia, puede ser puro azar. El texto que nos convertirá a una fe, nos adherirá a una ideología, dará a nuestra existencia una finalidad y un criterio, podría esperarnos en la sección de libros de ocasión, de libros deteriorados o de saldos. Puede hallarse, polvoriento y olvidado, en una sección justo al lado del volumen que buscamos. La extraña sonoridad de la palabra impresa en la cubierta gastada puede capturar nuestra mirada: Zaratustra, Diván Oriental y Occidental, Moby Dick, Horcynus Orca . Mientras un texto sobreviva, en algún lugar de esta tierra, aunque sea en un silencio que nada viene a romper, siempre es capaz de resucitar. Walter Benjamin lo enseñaba, Borges hizo su mitología: un libro auténtico nunca es impaciente. Puede aguardar siglos para despertar un eco vivificador. Puede estar en venta a mitad de precio en una estación de ferrocarril, como estaba el primer Celan que descubrí por azar y abrí. Desde aquel momento fortuito, mi vida se vio transformada y he tratado de aprender "una lengua al norte del futuro".

Esta transformación es dialéctica. Sus parábolas son las de la Anunciación y la Epifanía. ¡Conocemos tan mal la génesis de la creación literaria! No tenemos, por así decirlo, ningún acceso a la posible neuroquímica del acto de imaginación y sus procedimientos. Hasta el borrador más informe de un poema es ya una etapa muy tardía en el viaje que conduce a la expresión y al género performativo. El crepúsculo, el "antes del alba" y las presiones a la expresión que se ejercen en el subconsciente son casi imperceptibles para nosotros. Más concretamente: ¿cómo es posible que unas incisiones sobre una tablilla de arcilla, unos trazos de pluma o de lápiz, muchas veces apenas visibles en un trozo de frágil papel, constituyan una persona -una Beatriz, un Falstaff, una Ana Karénina- cuya sustancia, para innumerables lectores o espectadores, excede a la vida misma en su realidad , en su presencia fenoménica, en su longevidad encarnada y social? Este enigma de la persona ficticia, más viva, más compleja que la existencia de su creador y de su "receptor" -ese hombre o esa mujer ¿son tan bellos como Helena, tan complejos como Hamlet, tan inolvidables como Emma Bovary?- es la cuestión fundamental, pero también la más difícil, de la poética y de la psicología.

La imagen clásica ha sido la de la creación divina, la de Dios haciendo el mundo y el hombre. Explícitamente o no, se ha entendido al gran escritor y al gran artista como un simulacrum del decreto divino. Con frecuencia, se ha sentido rival amargo o amante de Dios, su competidor en el acto de la invención y la representación. Para Tolstói, Dios era "el otro oso del bosque", al que había que hacer frente, con el que había que luchar. Toda la metáfora de la "inspiración", tan antigua como las Musas o como el soplo de Dios en la voz del vidente o del profeta, es un esfuerzo para dar una razón de ser a las relaciones miméticas entre la poiesis sobrenatural y la poiesis humana. Con una diferencia capital. El problema de la creación divina ex nihilo ha sido debatido en todas las grandes teologías y en todos los grandes relatos mitológicos del misterio del comienzo ( incipit ). Hasta el escritor más grande entra en la casa de un lenguaje preexistente. Puede, dentro de unos límites muy estrictos, añadirle neologismos; puede, como Pascoli, tratar de insuflar una vida nueva a las palabras "muertas", incluso a lenguas muertas. Pero no forma su poema, su obra teatral o su novela "de la nada". En teoría, cada texto literario concebible está ya potencialmente presente en la lengua (de ahí la fantasía borgesiana de la biblioteca total de Babel). No por eso dejamos de seguir sin saber nada de la alquimia de la elección, de la secuencia fonética, gramatical y semántica que produce el poema perdurable. Y con el abandono progresivo, hoy, de la imagen de la creación divina, del concetto de la inspiración sobrenatural, nuestra ignorancia se hace mayor.

En el otro lado de la dialéctica, las cuestiones son casi igualmente desconcertantes. ¿Cuál es, exactamente, el grado de existencia de un poema o una novela que no se lee, de una obra teatral que jamás se representa? La recepción, aunque sea tardía, aunque sea por una minoría esotérica, ¿es indispensable para la vida de un texto? Si es así, ¿de qué manera lo es? El concepto de lectura, concebido como un proceso que revela en lo fundamental una colaboración, es intuitivamente convincente. El lector serio trabaja con el autor. Comprender un texto, "ilustrarlo" en el marco de nuestra imaginación, es, en la medida de nuestros medios, re-crearlo . Los más grandes lectores de Sófocles y de Shakespeare son los actores y los directores de teatro que dan a las palabras su carne viva. Aprender de memoria un poema es encontrarlo a mitad de camino en el viaje siempre maravilloso de su venida al mundo. En una "lectura bien hecha" (Péguy), el lector hace con él algo paradójico: un eco que refleja el texto, pero también que responde a él con sus propias percepciones, sus necesidades y sus desafíos. Nuestras intimidades con un libro son completamente dialécticas y recíprocas: leemos el libro, pero, quizá más profundamente, el libro nos lee a nosotros.

Pero ¿cuál es la razón de lo arbitrario, de la naturaleza siempre discutible de estas intimidades? Los textos que nos transforman pueden ser, desde un punto de vista tanto formal como histórico, trivia . Como un estribillo de moda, la novela policíaca, la noticia ligera, lo efímero puede hacer irrupción en nuestra conciencia y huir a lo más profundo de nosotros. El canon de lo esencial varía de un individuo a otro. Hay en la adolescencia textos maestros que son ilegibles más tarde. Hay libros repentinamente redescubiertos en la escena literaria o en la vida privada. La química del gusto, de la obsesión, del rechazo, es casi tan extraña e inaprensible como la de la creación estética. Seres humanos muy próximos entre sí por sus orígenes, por su sensibilidad y por su ideología pueden adorar el libro que se detesta, pueden juzgar kitsch lo que se considera una obra maestra. Coleridge hablaba de los "átomos ganchudos" de la conciencia, que se entremezclan de manera imprevisible; Goethe hablaba de las "afinidades electivas"; pero no son más que imágenes. Las complicidades entre el autor y el lector, entre el libro y la lectura que hacemos de él, son tan imprevisibles, tan vulnerables al cambio, y están tan misteriosamente arraigadas como las del eros. O, tal vez, como las del odio, pues hay textos inolvidables, que nos transforman y que acabamos odiando: yo no soporto ver el Otelo de Shakespeare en el teatro ni puedo enseñarlo, pero la versión de Verdi me parece, en muchos aspectos, la más coherente, un milagro humano.

La paradoja del eco vivificador entre el libro y el lector, del intercambio vital hecho de confianza recíproca, depende de ciertas condiciones históricas y sociales. El "acto clásico de la lectura", como he tratado de definirlo en mi trabajo, requiere unas condiciones de silencio, de intimidad, de cultura literaria (alfabetismo) y de concentración. Faltando ellas, una lectura seria, una respuesta a los libros que sea también responsabilidad no es realista. Leer, en el verdadero sentido del término, una página de Kant, un poema de Leopardi, un capítulo de Proust, es tener acceso a los espacios del silencio, a las salvaguardias de la intimidad, a un determinado nivel de formación lingüística e histórica anterior. Es tener asimismo libre acceso a útiles de comprensión como diccionarios, gramáticas y obras de alcance histórico y crítico. Desde los tiempos de la Academia ateniense hasta mediados del siglo XIX, muy esquemáticamente, dicho acceso era la definición misma de la cultura. En mayor o menor medida, éste fue siempre el privilegio, el placer y la obligación de una élite. Desde la biblioteca de Alejandría hasta la celda de San Jerónimo, la torre de Montaigne o el despacho de Karl Marx en el British Museum, las artes de las concentración -lo que Malebranche definía como "la piedad natural del alma"- han tenido siempre una importancia esencial en la vida del libro.

Es una banalidad constatarlo: estas artes, en nuestros días, están muy erosionadas; se han convertido en un "oficio" universitario cada vez más especializado. Más del ochenta por ciento de los adolescentes americanos no saben leer en silencio; hay siempre como telón de fondo una música más o menos amplificada. La intimidad, la soledad que permite un encuentro en profundidad entre el texto y su recepción, entre la letra y el espíritu, es hoy una singularidad excéntrica, que resulta psicológica y socialmente sospechosa. Es inútil detenerse a hablar del hundimiento de nuestra enseñanza secundaria, sobre su desprecio del aprendizaje clásico, de lo que se aprende de memoria. Una forma de amnesia planificada prevalece ya desde hace mucho tiempo en nuestras escuelas.

Al mismo tiempo, el formato del libro en sí , la estructura del copyright , de la edición tradicional, de la distribución en librerías, están, ustedes lo saben mejor que yo, en plena transmutación, hasta en plena revolución. A partir de ahora, los autores pueden atender a sus lectores directamente por la internet y pedirles que entren en comunicación directa con ellos (es así como se ha "publicado" todo el último John Updike). Cada vez se leen más libros on line , en la pantalla de la computadora, o se consultan en la red. Ochenta millones de volúmenes de la Biblioteca del Congreso, en Washington (no) están (ya) disponibles (más que) por medios electrónicos. Nadie , por bien informado que esté, puede predecir lo que sucederá con el concepto mismo de autor, de textualidad, de lectura personal. Sin ninguna duda, estas evoluciones son maravillosamente excitantes. Suponen liberaciones económicas y oportunidades sociales de primera importancia. Pero también van acompañadas de profundas pérdidas. De manera creciente, los libros escritos, editados, publicados y comprados "al estilo antiguo" pertenecerán a las "bellas letras" o a lo que en alemán se denomina, peligrosamente, la Unterhaltungsliteratur , la "literatura fácil". De manera creciente, la ciencia, la información, el saber en todas las formas se transmitirán, registrarán y encargarán por medios electrónicos. Las fracturas, ya grandes en nuestra cultura y en nuestras letras (alfabetismos), se harán más hondas.

De ahí la extrema importancia de esta Fiera , de esta feria del libro en la orgullosa villa de Alfieri y de Nietzsche. Más que nunca necesitamos al libro, pero los libros, a su vez, nos necesitan a nosotros. ¿Qué privilegio más bello que el de estar a su servicio?

Por George Steiner

Traducción: María Condor

1- El 4 de febrero de 1989, una proclama del ayatolá Ruhollah Khomeini, emitida por Radio Teherán, condenó a muerte al escritor Salman Rushdie. En las calles de Irán se quemaron entonces ejemplares de Los versos satánicos, la novela del autor sentenciado, que produjo un estallido de intolerancia religiosa

Fundación Telefónica publica "Neologismos y sociedad del conocimiento. Las funciones de la lengua en la era de la globalización"

Lingüistas y filósofos se unen para contener al «hombre tecnológico»
Para evitar que la era tecnológica acabe con un mundo diverso, la lengua ha de estar afinada con «el alma» del que la usa, inquietud que ha impulsado el libro Neologismos y sociedad del conocimiento. Las funciones de la lengua en la era de la globalización.

Profesores de lengua, instituciones de enseñanza, intelectuales y algunos empresarios creen que merece la pena «humanizar las tecnologías» y han alertado a los futuros comunicadores para que, más allá de dominar los nuevos instrumentos tecnológicos, los pongan al servicio del arte o la filosofía.

El lingüista Fernando Vilches, coordinador —junto con Ramón Sarmiento—, de este volumen publicado por la Fundación Telefónica y Ariel, sostiene que si el idioma español ocupa más extensión que el inglés al ser traducido, eso «no autoriza a recortar sus dobles connotaciones, su precioso juego de sentidos».

«¡Déme una barra de pan y, si tiene huevos, una docena!» pidió uno al tendero, y este le dio doce barras de pan», ilustra con humor el lingüista.

Y «no es lo mismo que el poeta Lord Byron llorase por "la perdida" de su hija que por "la pérdida" de su hija, Ada, que no se ganaba la vida de un modo mundano, sino que murió» (de cáncer, a los 37 años), matiza Vilches para apuntar al poder de un simple acento.

Vilches ha recogido el empeño de filósofos, lingüistas y teóricos de la comunicación en una tarea necesaria e «impagable»: mantener al ser humano funcionando entre sentimiento y razón.

En el actual escenario tecnológico, dominado por la lengua inglesa —el 90 % de la base de datos de internet—, un inglés tecnificado condiciona y determina el modo de pensar y de ver el mundo.

Así, «cansado de zapear, navegaba yo en la web para estrenar el kit de un modem guay, pues las cosas del jaguar me flipan y ligué un spónsor cool para disfrutar del jogging y mejorar el look», recita el lingüista, asombrado de que todos esos términos hayan sido aceptados por la Real Academia de la Lengua.

Vilches cree que los idiomas de occidente, excepto el inglés, están hoy como el Real Madrid, «que importa jugadores (vocablos) extranjeros que no sirven para nada», y aunque no haya que asustarse —dice— por una práctica que siempre se ha dado y que también trae beneficios, ataca la necedad y las malas traducciones.

«Ya decía Gracián que un error muy repetido no deja de ser un error», recalca apuntando a los profesionales de la televisión que permiten que en ese medio alguien tenga el cuerpo lleno de «anetomas» (por hematomas) o decir que comió una ensalada muy ricamente «enderezada».

«Esto es un "detó"», instruía sujetando un aparatito que «sirve para todo», durante la presentación del libro la semana pasada en el Instituto Cervantes, cuando provocó grandes carcajadas de la audiencia y quizás cierta inquietud ante el uso del idioma.

Vilches se dirigió a una sala abarrotada de estudiantes —algunos alumnos suyos— de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, de Madrid, donde hace un año se celebraron unas jornadas que propiciaron este libro.

Si hoy vas por los pueblos y pides un «emparedado» en vez de un «sandwich» te dirán que el albañil se fue de vacaciones y, si pides una «pollera», que ha cerrado el comercio de aves y huevos; Ya nadie sabe que el término «falda» es francés, comenta tolerante con la evolución del idioma.

Pero, una vez aclarado que no se trata de ser purista, ni casticista, menos ahora que el español es una lengua pujante —como se ha confirmado en Cartagena de Indias—, advierte de que seamos cuidadosos ante la «imbecilidad de la ignorancia».

Así, critica que los políticos estropearan la «confrontación», pues confrontar no es enfrentarse —precisa—, sino lo más hermoso que hacen los ciudadanos cuando comparan sus ideas y las cotejan para sacar algo concreto en fértil discusión.

Un ejemplo de cómo matamos el idioma es la palabra «enervar» que no era exactamente 'estar de los nervios', sino debilitar la fuerza. Como traducción empobrecedora, Vilches cita el ejemplo de honesty, que no diferencia «honradez» de cintura para arriba, de «honestidad», situada más abajo.

Y eso de hablar «de cara» al público... «¡Sería tan grosero hacerlo de espaldas!», imaginémoslo, pidió Vilches entre risas llamando a dar un paso a una sociedad de la imaginación que matice y salvaguarde la diversidad de la lengua española. (Efe)

[CFP] DESI, Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, CA, USA; 4-8 June 2007

Call for Papers: ICAIL 2007 Workshop: DESI: Supporting Search and Sensemaking for Electronically Stored Information in Discovery Proceedings

A workshop on electronic discovery will be held on 4 June 2007 as part of the ICAIL 2007 conference, which will take place at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, from 4 June to 8 June, 2007. See the DESI Call for Papers for further information at

[CFP] iiWAS2007 - 3-5 December, 2007,Jakarta, Indonesia

********************* iiWAS2007 *************************


9th @WAS International Conference on Information Integration and
Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2007)

3-5 December, 2007
Jakarta, Indonesia
May 15, 2007 : Proposals for workshops,tutorials, invited
June 15, 2007 : Full papers submission
August 17, 2007 : Acceptance Notification
September 17, 2007 : Camera-Ready Papers
December 3-5, 2007 : Conference

Barely more than ten years after the birth of the World Wide Web, the
Global Information Infrastructure is daily reality. In spite of the
many applications in all domains of our societies: e-business, e-
commerce, e-learning, e-science, and e-government, for instance, and
in spite of the tremendous advances by engineers and scientists, the
seamless integration of information and services remains a major
challenge. The current shared vision for the future is one of
semantically-rich information and service oriented architecture for
global information systems. This vision is at the convergence of
progress in technologies such as XML, Web services, RDF, OWL, of
multimedia, multimodal, and multilingual information retrieval, and
of distributed, mobile and ubiquitous

The goal of iiWAS2007 is to provide an international forum for
scientists, engineers, and managers in academia, industry, and
government to address recent research results and to present and
discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools,
applications, work in progress and experiences on all theoretical and
practical issues arising in information and service integration.

Conference program will include invited talks, peer reviewed
technical program, demos, short papers, posters, tutorials, panels,
workshops and invited sessions on the same or related topics,
industrial presentations, exhibitions around but not limited to the
following topics:

Web Engineering and Web Services Track:

- Web Data Integration, Monitoring and Management
- Web Data Models, Metrics, Tools, Languages and Performance
- Web Agents, Intelligence and Mining
- Web Security and Trust Management
- Web Visualization, Rich Web UI and Deep/Hidden Web
- Web-based Enterprise Systems and Business Processes
- Web-based Auction and Negotiation
- Federated and cross-organizational Web engineering
- Web Services Architectural styles
- Web Services performance
- Dependability, security and privacy of web services (blogs, RSS,
wikis, etc.)
- Orchestration, choreography and composition of web services
- Tools and technologies for Web Services development, deployment
and management
- The impact of Web Services on enterprise systems
- Impact of formal methods on Web Services

E-applications Track (e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Payment, e-Government,
e-Learning, e-science, e-communities):

- E-application design models and methods
- E-application development processes, standards and methodologies
- E-application usability, accessibility, reuse and integration
- E-application localization and internalization
- E-applications case studies and best practices
- E-applications social and legal issues
- E-applications service architectures
- E-applications competition and collaborations
- E-applications data analytics and visualization
- Digital libraries
- Innovative E-Frameworks & E-Applications
- Innovative E-applications in Web 2.0, AJAX, E4X and other new
- Model-driven E-application development
- Workflow and E-services

Web Data and Semantic Web Track:

- XML data and schema integration
- XML data models, query processing and data management
- XML data privacy and security
- Web databases and warehousing
- Web data mining, exploration, and visualization
- Document Engineering and Integration
- Web Data Markup Languages, tools and methodologies for
representing and managing Semantic Web data
- Web Semantics content creation, annotation, and extraction
- Web Semantics brokering, integration and interoperability
- Web Semantics search, query, and visualization
- Web Semantics middleware and services
- Web Semantics provenance, trust & security
- Ontology creation, searching, extraction, and evolution
- Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment

Information Integration in Ubiquitous Computing Track:

- Mobile and Ubiquitous Information and Service Integration
- Tools and techniques for designing, implementing, & evaluating
Ubiquitous Computing Systems
- Grid and P2P architectures for service and information integration
- Agent-based ubiquitous applications
- Location and context-aware applications and services
- Infrastructure support for mobility and pervasive Web
- Web proxies and content adaptation
- Service creation and management environments for pervasive web
- Low-cost web access devices and networking for emerging regions
- Privacy-enhancing technologies in pervasive web
- Social search and the use of "human computing" in web search
- Experience report on ubiquitous computing implementation
- Visionary scenario on ubiquitos computing

iiWAS 2007 Proceedings is planned to be published by Springer as a
volume set in the LNCS series (Approval Pending).

Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in
special issues of :

[1] International Journal of Web Information Systems (http://
[2] International Journal of Web and Grid Services (https://
[3] International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
[4] Journal of System and Management Sciences (http://
[5] More are pending approval


Papers must be submitted electronically in Postscript, PDF, or RTF/
DOC format at (
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.
Submitted papers will be blindly peer reviewed by at least three
members of the international program committee and carefully
evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness,
and clarity of exposition.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be
published by Springer-Verlag as part of their Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series.
The submitted papers should not exceed 10 pages and must follow the
Springer LNCS format (

Steering Committee co-Chairs
Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Johannes Kepler Uni Linz, Austria
Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

General Conference Chair
Gabriele Kotsis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

General Program Committee co-Chairs
David Taniar, Monash University, Australia
Eric Pardede, La Trobe University, Australia

Publicity Chair
Wenny Rahayu, La Trobe University, Australia

Program Committee
*** see conference web site ***

The conference is endorsed by the international organization for
information integration and web based applications and services
(@WAS), Springer, and the Institute of Teleccoperation, Johannes
Kepler University, Linz, Austria, hosted and organized by Syarif
Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (UIN), Indonesia and
supported by Monash University, Australia, La Trobe University,
Australia and will be held in conjunction with the fifth
international conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and
Multimedia (MoMM2007)

David Taniar, iiWAS2007 PC Co-Chair
Clayton School of Information Technology
Monash University
Clayton, VIC 3800

Eric Pardede, iiWAS2007 PC Co-Chair
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
La Trobe University
Bundoora, VIC 3083

sábado, abril 07, 2007

[CFP] Information Management Track - Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2007

Call for Papers – Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2007

ACIS2007 is the 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems and will be held at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba campus from December 5-7, 2007.

Information Management Track
Track Chairs:
Professor Amanda Spink
Professor Paula Swatman

This track brings together a range of related issues which were formerly scattered across a wide range of disciplines, including: information science, information retrieval, library studies, records management, archiving and security. The management of information is an importance area of research in the 21st century. Information management includes consideration of the technical user and organizational aspects on collecting, organising and accessing information.

Topics relevant to this track include:
• Management of information
• Information behavior
• Information/Web retrieval
• Managing / preserving digital resources - within and across organisations
• Knowledge management; knowledge communities
• Digital libraries
• Electronic access to information
• Personal information management
• Digital rights management
• Ethics in information access and use
• Security and privacy of information

First Call for Papers – Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2007
You are invited to submit original papers for consideration for ACIS2007. Papers should not be previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or journal. Papers submitted will be refereed by members of the international program committee and, if selected, published in the conference proceedings. The Program Committee has identified a number of tracks to focus submissions. Some tracks already have potential journal outlets for extended versions of exceptional quality papers.

The current list of tracks includes:
• Business Process Management
• Environmental Sustainability in ICT
• Health Information Systems
• ICT Governance, Strategic Alignment and Service Management
• Information Management
• Information Quality
• Information Systems, Culture and Society
• Information Systems Education
• Information Systems Security and Privacy
• Information Systems and Small Business
• Information Systems Supporting Mobile Work & Leisure
• Theoretical & Philosophical Foundations of Information Systems
• Women and Information Systems

Submissions are invited on any topics relevant to information systems and are not limited to these tracks. Full details of tracks including chairs, contents, topics and potential journals are available. A template describing the expected format of paper submissions is available.

The closing date for submissions is June 4, 2007.

All papers will be double-blind refereed. The maximum paper length is 10 A4 pages (Times Roman 10pt) in total. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions.

ACIS2007 is the 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems and will be held at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba campus from December 5-7. ACIS is the premier Australasian conference for Information Systems academics, covering technical, organisational, industry and social issues in the application of IT to real world problems.

The theme for the 2007 conference is ‘the 3Rs: Research, Relevance and Rigour: Coming of Age’. A two-day Doctoral Consortium will be held before the conference and will begin on December 3. A small number of panels and/or workshops will also be organised. Prizes for high quality papers will be awarded in several categories.

Conference Chairs
Mr Dave Roberts, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Dr Aileen Cater-Steel, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Program Chair
Prof Mark Toleman, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Prof Guy Gable, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Important Dates
Paper submission: June 4, 2007
Notification of acceptance: September 3, 2007
Camera Ready copy of papers: October 1, 2007

Amanda Spink
Research Capacity Building Professor of Information Technology
School of Information Systems
Faculty of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Gardens Point Campus
2 George St, GPO Box 2434
Brisbane QLD 4000 Australia
Tel: 61-7-3864-9583 Fax: 61-7-3864-2703

[CFP] Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval GIR'07

Apologies for cross postings

Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval GIR'07 - Call for papers

This is a first call for papers for a workshop on Geographic Information
Retrieval (GIR'07), to be held in conjunction with the 16th ACM
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Lisboa, Portugal
( The workshop is the fourth in a
series ofsuccessful workshops held previously in conjunction with SIGIR
CIKM 2005 and SIGIR 2006. The workshop will take place immediately
following the conference on November the 9th 2007.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the growing
community of researchers and practitioners working in the field of
information retrieval to discuss further progress within the field and
future research strands. Examples of topics that are particularly relevant
include, but are not confined to:

architectures for geographic search engines;
spatial indexing of documents and images;
extraction of geographical context from documents and geo-datasets;
geographical annotation techniques for geo-referenced documents and
design, construction, maintenance and access methods for geographical
ontologies, gazetteers and geographical thesauri;
geographical query interfaces for the web and geo-spatial libraries;
geographic information question/ answering services;
dealing with natural language in geographic information retrieval;
visualising of the results of geographic searches; and
relevance ranking for geographical search.

We invite the submission of extended abstracts of up to 6 pages for
presentation as long papers (30 minutes) and 2 page short abstracts
reporting on work in progress for short presentations (15 minutes). All
submissions will be reviewed by two members of the program committee,
and all accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings.

You should prepare your abstract in accordance with the CIKM camera-
Ready instructions (
Instructions.html) and submit it to Ross Purves ( by June
15th, 2007.

Further details of the workshop will be available shortly at

Please forward this message to anyone whom you think may have an
interest in the workshop.

With best wishes,

Ross Purves ( and Chris Jones (

viernes, abril 06, 2007

Nuevo número de Panace@, especial lexicografía médica

Una efeméride: cuarenta años del Diccionario medicobiológico University
José Rafael Blengio Pinto
La importancia de hacer las cosas bien: el ejemplo del University
Gustavo A. Silva

Traducción y terminología
Pequeño glosario inglés-español de términos jergales y coloquiales en medicina (K-Z)
Fernando A. Navarro
Vocabulario inglés-español de bioquímica y biología molecular (8.ª y 9.ª entregas)
María Verónica Saladrigas
Reflexiones sobre la variación terminológica del español científico ilustradas con el caso del término inglés delusion
Sergi Casals Rispau
Terminología basada en el conocimiento para la traducción y la divulgación médica: el caso de OncotermClara I. López Rodríguez, Pamela Faber y M. Isabel Tercedor Sánchez

El léxico médico del pasado: los nombres de las enfermedades
Jon Arrizabalaga
Étude lexicologique du traité anonyme Fevres : Une compilation médicale en ancien français, écrite en caractères hébraïques
Julia Zwink
A 15th Century medico-botanical synonym list (Ibero-Romance-Arabic) in Hebrew characters
Gerrit Bos and Guido Mensching
Viaje de ida y vuelta entra la lengua común y la especializada: el léxico anatómico de Juan Valverde de Amusco
Carlos García Jáuregui


El Diccionario de términos médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina: un proyecto largamente acariciado que pronto será realidad
Hipólito Durán Sacristán
Medicina y diccionarios: ¿para cuándo una buena lexicografía de divulgación?
Bertha M. Gutierrez Rodilla
La importación lingüística en una relación asimétrica: español e inglés, dos socios desiguales
Fco. Javier Muñoz Martín y María Valdivieso Blanco
Complexité de la phrase en langue de spécialité : mythe ou réalité ? Le cas de la langue médicale
Maurice Rouleau
La redacción del discurso biomédico (inglés-español): rasgos principales
Esther Vázquez y del Árbol
El espanglés y la utilidad del español neutro
Álvaro Villegas

Cartas a panace@
El robot huérfano
Jarmila Jandová

El lápiz de Esculapio
Raquel Rodríguez Hortelano
Mal de ojo
Julián Orozco
Por la boca
Pepe Lillo
María de Miguel
Qué le pasa, doctor
Raquel Rodríguez Hortelano
Manuel González Seoane

El Plumero. Los inicios de la lexicografía médica moderna en lengua española
Bertha M. Gutierrez Rodilla
Mi primer contacto con la lexicografía médica: Wörterbüch der Medizin (1994)
Fernando A. Navarro
Una herramienta imprescindible: el Diccionario de términos alemanes de Freud, de L. A. Hanns
Luis Montiel
El cambio social español y las lenguas para fines específicos. Retos que plantea la elaboración de guías multilingües
Carmen Valero Garcés y Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez
Introducción teórica-práctica a los lenguajes de especialidad: la enseñanza-aprendizaje del español de especialidad
M.ª Blanca Mayor Serrano
Recursos de información en ciencias de la salud en Internet (visible e invisible)
Juan Antonio Puerto
La redacción científica en inglés, aplicable también al español
M. Gonzalo Claros

Seminario Diccionario Histórico I: La Lengua de la Ciencia.
Francesc Rodríguez Ortiz
Aspectos del español en la traducción técnica y literaria.
Lola Montero Reguera
Saber y comunicar: la proyección social de la ciencia
Cecili Macián
III Congreso Internacional: El Español, Lengua de Traducción
Cristina Márquez Arroyo y Emilia Picazo
Cristina Márquez Arroyo

¿Quién lo usó por vez primera? Quirófano (y 2)
Fernando A. Navarro
Contra la sinonimia y la polisemia en los lenguajes de especialidad
X. Fuentes Arderiu
Perlas del lenguaje médico en la literatura: Patinazo de Pepe Carvalho (¿o del corrector?)
Gustavo A. Silva
Vegetabilia y otros nombres de ensalmo (I)
Juan V. Fernández de la Gala
El diccionario me hizo monófago
Fernando A. Navarro
Un médico traductor en la cumbre de la lexicografía francesa
Fernando A. Navarro

[CFP] DRHA07 : Dartington College of Arts : 9 - 12 September 2007


Doing digital: using digital resources in the arts and humanities

DRHA07 : Dartington College of Arts : 9 - 12 September 2007

Bringing together creators, practitioners, users, distributors, and custodians of Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities

Over the last decade the annual Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) conferences have constructed an unusual kind of meeting place: a space in which researchers, curators, and distributors of digital resources could meet and share perspectives on their complementary agendas.

Last year, that forum was expanded to include participants from the creative and performing arts, giving the event a new flavour and a new direction. This year, the conference aims to explore further major issues at the interface between traditional
humanities scholarship and the creative arts, by focussing on their differing or complementary approaches to the deployment of digital technologies.

Can the Arts and the Humanities share expertise? Are they divided by a common tongue? To what extent are they developing common technical solutions to different problem areas? As in previous years, the conference will articulate these questions by showcasing the very best in current practice across the widest spectrum of digital
applications in the arts and humanities and by fostering informed but accessible debate amongst professionals.

The Programme Committee for DRHA07 is now soliciting imaginative and provocative contributions for the conference addressing such topics as:

* the benefits and the challenges of using digital resources in creative work, in teaching and learning, and in scholarship;
* the challenges and opportunities associated with scale and sustainability in the digital arena;
* new insights and new forms of expression arising from the integration of digital resources in the arts, humanities, and sciences;
* social and political issues surrounding digital resource provision in the context of global ICT developments;
* the implications of "born-digital" resources for curators, consumers, and performers;
* training methods and best practice for digital arts and humanities practitioners.

Other themes include: interactivity and performance; digital media in time and space; integration and deployment of existing digital resources in new contexts; policies and strategies for digital deployment, both commercial and non-commercial; cataloguing and metadata aspects of resource discovery; digital repositories; Web 2.0 and other new technologies; encoding standards; intellectual property rights; funding, cost-recovery, and charging mechanisms; digitization techniques and

Format: The conference will take up three intensive days, comprising presentation of academic papers and technical reports, performance and installation events, software and product demonstrations, debates and training events. The atmosphere will be informal, the discussion energetic. Leading practitioners and representatives of key funding agencies, such as the the Arts Council, the AHRC, the JISC will be amongst the participants. We hope that from this occasion a new consensus will emerge based on real life experience of the application of digital techniques and resources in the Humanities and Arts.

Timetable: Proposals are now invited for academic papers, themed panel sessions and reports of work in progress.Your proposal should be no smaller than 500 words and no longer than 2000; closing date for proposals is May 2nd 2007. All proposals will be reviewed by an independent panel of reviewers, and notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 13th June 2007. All accepted proposals will be included in the Conference preprint volume, and will also be considered for a post-conference publication.

Cost: The all-in conference rate covering all meals and accomodation as well as conference registration and proceedings will not exceed £400. Reduced rates for early registration, and partial rates for one-day or non-residential attendance will be announced shortly on the conference website.

Further information: The conference web site at will be regularly updated, and includes full details of the procedure for submitting proposals, the programme, and registration information. Bookmark it now!

(Sent on behalf of DHRA07 Progamme Chair, Lou Burnard, Oxford University)